04 January, 2010

Cosplay at a Glance

A very very quick view of all the costumes I wore every year since the first time I cosplayed in 2004 up to the present.

I couldn't say everytime I wear the costume that it is still the same costume because it is not. I always have something to fix and improve on the costume; so even if it is the same version/character, the costume itself had gone so many changes from the very first time I have worn it.

Costumes, props, wig styling and other information are written on each photo's description. Photos are copyright of photographers. Thank you!

My other resume galleries:

 Cosplay.COM | CosplayLAB


  1. coool *u* i really heart you rikku cosplay 8D

  2. nyaha i'm glad to have worked w/ u while you still continue to inspire us all~ keep up the good work! *mew*

  3. definitely your best cosplay. *love love*

  4. This is my BIGGEST bet! I love this cosplay of yours! you really look like a SANGRE! :D

  5. Thank you!

    Sang'gre Alena battle armor is one of my favorite costumes. I will keep wearing this costume if I could! XD

  6. Oh! yes! please please!!! This is wonderful!

  7. well done ^_^

    very nice cosplays :)
